Summer Banquet

VFW Hall 29 S. Main St., RI, United States

Sunday, June 9, 2024 Summer Banquet TBD

The Latest on Controlling Varroa

VFW Hall 29 S. Main St., RI, United States

Sunday, April 14, 2024 Sara Michaud Topic: “The Latest on Controlling Varroa” Location: VFW Hall | 29 South Main St | Coventry 2:00 PM Note: There will be a Book Swap at this meeting! Got books on your shelf about honeybees, native bees, pollinator gardens or gardening in general that are taking up space so…


Managing Hive Demeanor & Preventing Stings

VFW Hall 29 S. Main St., RI, United States

Scott Langlais Topic: “Managing Hive Demeanor & Preventing Stings” Location: Coventry VFW Hall 2:00 PM

January Membership Meeting

January 12th at 7pm on Zoom Zoom link will be emailed to members. Our speaker is Bob Binnie. He will be presenting on his technique for raising queens. Bob has a YouTube channel ( with videos for all levels of beekeeping. Bob is a past President of the Georgia State Beekeepers Association (2008 and 2009),…

February Membership Meeting

February 16th at 7pm on zoom (Take note this is one week later than usual due to the Super Bowl!) Zoom link will be emailed to members. Our speaker will be Julia Mahood who started the website will presenting on Drones. Julia Mahood is a Georgia Master Crafts Beekeeper who has been keeping bees…

March Membership Meeting

VFW hall coventry, RI 29 S Main St, Coventry, RI

Join us March 9th for our Monthly Membership Meeting. For this meeting we will be having several speakers presenting on resources available to beekeepers. New beekeeper meeting will be at 1pm. This is for 1st or 2nd year beekeepers who would like to ask questions in a smaller setting. Regular meeting will begin at 2pm.…